Episode 153

Published on:

22nd Sep 2020

Vice-Regents, Occupy the Empty Seat in the Supreme Court! -- Pray with Me Series (Ep 151)

Pray with me. Here's another empowering Kingdom Prayer Dynamic ... with forceful prayer, we can occupy spaces and places leading to the manifestation of God's will. In this episode, we draw on the Intercessors for America site and pray and decree over the empty seat in the United States Supreme Court. This is the 9th in a new prayer series we are creating that will become its own podcast soon. (This episode is more diesel than moped or vespa!)

"Your throne, O God, is forever and ever. The scepter of Your Kingdom is a scepter of uprightness; You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness" (Psalms 45:6-7 ESV).

Go to the article and prayer on the Intecessors for America site

Go to the series page for these prayer episodes on JesusSmart.com

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Brian Del Turco